This season of the Real World (Real World: Brooklyn) is the shittiest yet. Worst characters. Worst loft (they scrambled at the last minute to do a hack job finish when they were booted out of Bell Towers towards downtown BKLYN). Worst episodes. The characters have little to no drive (Baya (the cute-sy girl this season) tries out for a dance company and makes it (probably just so the dance company can get free publicity) and then turns the dance company down. Devyn (a lazy, sleeping all the time beauty queen from Kansas City with a huge rack) contributes nearly nothing to the show but a pretty face and a passion for playing men 2-at-a-time (you don't know how he treated me in the past... (really good excuse for lying and covering up another guy Devyn). Chet is a moron... I mean mormon who goes to MTV's Time Square Studios wanting to see a taping of TRL (his dream job is to host it) only to find out it doesn't exist (pick up a newspaper). Chet (spiky hair dresses gay) interviews mediocre bands I've never heard of and his interviews consist of him talking as much as the interviewee... (I guess because he's the "Star" of the show not the shitty bands, I'll let it fly, but in reality it reminds me of

The kids all go to drink in Manhattan because they got shunned out of Brooklyn's drinking establishments. They don't go anywhere cool, just "Angels and Kings" (never shown without mentioning IT'S OWNED BY PETE WENTZ OF FALLOUT BOY). It looks like in this week they guys get into a fight, possibly because they tried to go out in Brooklyn one night??? I don't know but we'll see this Wednesday (or in my case Thursday when they upload that shit on MTV.COM). Supposedly Baya, Devyn and Chet are all still living in NYC somewhere around Union Square (Stuyvesant Town). If I ever see them out (like I saw Frankie who's afraid of ships from San Diego at MY bar in Kansas City) I'll tell them that they were the worst year ever. Maybe even worse than Denver.
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