...here's a pic of Palin from Super Tuesday, 1 month before the supposed birth.... does this look like a chick that's 8 months pregnant...

...and here's one of the family... with Bristol with a slight baby bump... and it looks like a boyfriend may have proposed before mommy put the kibosh on the entire thing...

...Best of all, apparently since these rumors have begun circulating, the Alaska Department of State has taken down all photos of the governor and her family from the state's website; IF THERE'S NOTHING TO HIDE!?!?... here's another one of baby bumper...

...and these pics from http://www.mccainblogette.com/ don't help the case much...
In this first one, along comes Sarah to the room backstage, after she's been shaking everyone's hands, etc. (HOPE SHE WASHED HER HANDS!)

In these next few you can see the jealousy in Bristol's eyes as Sarah holds Trig...

Nervous uneasy giggle... (YES. We know your secret Bristol...)

In this final one, Bristol totally is shooting a glare at McCain, like, "thanks a lot asshole, now everyone's going to find out the truth..."

I also wanted to add this final one, because it shows off Sarah's kankles, and once again, Bristol is clutching that damn baby... there was only one shot of Willow (the 13 year old) holding the baby and it was a photo in which Bristol (who was less than a foot away) was cropped out...

So finishing up, supposedly Palin decided to take an 8 hour flight from Dallas, TX to Alaska while in her final month of pregnancy, after her contractions had started... I don't know about you but I am calling Bullshit up, down, left and right on this one... at least she's a pro-lifer who's actually pro life though; I mean she could have botched her eldest daughter's down syndrome birth all together...
1 comment:
okay what the heck is up with your photos no shes doesn't look jealous and no shes not a thanks alot ...
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